GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems


Monday, December 3, 2007

How Vehicle Tracking Improves Fleet Operations


Fleet tracking has long been used by operators of multiple vehicles to help them function more efficiently. It is just accepted by most people as an important function that should occur.

But how, exactly, does vehicle tracking improve fleet operations? Let’s take a closer look.

Less driver downtime

When you can track your fleet closely, it is easier to reduce the amount of driver downtime. For example, if a particular driver is running ahead of schedule you can quickly and easily direct that driver to additional jobs that are close to his or her location. Instead of coming in early or sitting around in a parking lot, that driver can pick up new jobs on the fly.

Urgent dispatch

Re-routing a vehicle is easy to do when the unexpected occurs, and last minute customer needs can be fulfilled without undue hassle or delay. For example, if you run a repair business and receive an urgent customer service call, with a vehicle tracking system you can quickly determine which fleet vehicle is available and closest to the customer in need.

Re-supply in the field

Fleet vehicles often run short on supplies or parts while out in the field, usually due to unexpected demand or unforeseen additional repairs. With vehicle tracking, a supply vehicle can replenish other vehicles in the field, instead of those vehicles driving all the way back to a central location to pick up more supplies or parts.

Monitor employee performance

Drivers of fleet vehicles generally work autonomously, following their assigned route and completing their assigned tasks without direct supervision. Managers and supervisors, then, benefit from having access to a tracking system that allows them to check and verify the location and activities of each driver. In this way, it is easier to ensure that each employee’s performance is at the expected level, and take corrective action if it is not.

Protect against theft and damage

Fleet vehicles represent a substantial capital investment as well as the ability to conduct business on a daily basis. When a vehicle is stolen, broken into, or otherwise damaged it costs the business money. A vehicle tracking system can make it easier to recover stolen vehicles and reconstruct accidents or other causes of damage.

Selecting the right tracking system

Until recently, there was only one kind of vehicle tracking system available. Thanks to new technology and creative application of that technology, fleet operators of all sizes now have a choice.

Traditional systems are expensive to buy, in terms of the tracking units themselves, the additional infrastructure required, and the monthly subscription fees. Such systems are complex and require dedicated personnel to operate, making them unaffordable for all but the largest vehicle fleets.

The newest type of system is much more economical. The tracking units are affordable, there are no monthly subscription fees, and it is operated via a standard mobile telephone. The functionality of this type of system is more robust, too, as it proactively monitors vehicles rather than waiting for the operator to request a location check. These advantages combine to make this system, marketed by AutoAlert, affordable for even the smallest vehicle fleets.

Richard Harris is a vehicle telecommunications expert who has developed an innovative vehicle tracking system. He advises on vehicle tracking, and a range of information can be found at

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